Moscow Trade Union Federation (MTUF) was established on 15 December 1990 and became the legal successor of Moscow City Council of Trade Unions.
Moscow Trade Union Federation is a union of capital trade unions based on unity of purposes and solidarity of actions, aimed at defending the socio-economic and legal interests of trade union members to employers and government structures.
Moscow Trade Union Federation acts under the Charter and is independent of government bodies, political parties, public organizations and movements.
Moscow Trade Union Federation is the largest trade union organisation in the country, an integral part to the Russia's united trade union movement.
The development of social partnership is the basis of the Federation's activities. MTUF is focused on creating a system of protecting the socio-economic interests of trade union members on the basis of:
- the Moscow Trilateral Agreement between Moscow Government, Moscow Confederation of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and Moscow Trade Union Federation;
- city sectoral agreements;
- collective agreements at enterprises and organisations.
The current practice of concluding the Moscow Trilateral Agreement before the Moscow budget’s adoption by City Duma allows us to achieve financial support for the Agreement and guarantee its implementation by the government side.
“The main goal of MTUF and its affiliates has always been and remains - the protection of workers' labor rights, the struggle for improving their well-being. We remain true to our slogan: "Unity, Solidarity, Worker's Rights". And Muscovites know about it. "